A unique company which allows women to customize and design their own shoes via online had received email with an announcement of an increased to $15.4 million in a new funding round which is led by BlueSky Venture Capital.

shoes of prey

In 2009, the startup has brought in the U.S. market establishing physical points of presence on the company’s website, along with the six Nordstrom department store locations. With this, the U.S. retailer has lately in an equity parter with the latest funding round.

ceo-shoes of prey

As stated to Mashable Australia, by the cofounder of Shoes of Prey, Jodie Fox,

We’ve always had this feeling that mass customisation could change the way fashion functions,”

She added,

“This is the first time such a [fashion customisation] company has received this level of funding.”

Nordstrom has its heritage in shoes, and they are very much an innovator in this online space,”

She continued,
With personalisation becoming more important to how the customer views good service, it’s important for us to find opportunities to stay increasingly relevant.”

On the other hand, executive vice president Schott Meden, stated through email statement,

Shoes of Prey offers us a way to enhance and deliver a great customer service experience that aligns well with our strategic vision and long-term goals as a company.”

Fox then concluded,

Shoes of Prey isn’t just about shoes, we’re into looking at expanding on-demand,”

Followed by,

There are no firm plans, but I’d be very excited to have a great handbag to go with my shoes.”

“I think the ideas of customisation is in and of itself simply an exciting idea, there are some ideas that are more viral than others, I guess.



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