Cara Delevingne’s reasons for saying goodbye to modeling

Cara Delevingne Quits Modeling

“I am not doing fashion work any more.” This is how Cara Delevingne stated her decision to end up her career as a model earlier this year. Despite being one of the most successful personalities in the modeling industry, people began to wonder why she suddenly backed out and said that she wants to try acting instead. Her recent interview with The Times answered everyone’s questions.

The 23-year-old British model told the magazine that modeling made her felt hollow, and that it has affected both her mental and physical health after she suffered from psoriasis. “It didn’t make me grow at all as a human being. And I kind of forgot how young I was…I felt so old… It is a mental thing as well because if you hate yourself and your body and the way you look, it just gets worse and worse,” she added.

Delevigne’s statement has made it clear to everyone that even with her uprising career, she still realizes that happiness is being taken away from her. “I am a bit of a feminist and it makes me feel sick. […] It’s horrible and it’s disgusting. You start when you are really young and you get subjected to…not great stuff,” she stated. At her young age, she already know the quality of life that she must live on and that she should step back and look for something else that would help her grow personally. This attitude as we may say, is really remarkable.

cara delevingne



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