Charlie Seen went off and temporarily seeks alternative medication for HIV in Mexico.

Charlie Sheen, a cast member in "Scary Movie V," poses at the Los Angeles premiere of the film at the Cinerama Dome on Thursday, April 11, 2013 in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)
Charlie Sheen, a cast member in “Scary Movie V,” poses at the Los Angeles premiere of the film at the Cinerama Dome on Thursday, April 11, 2013 in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

As he stated in a pre-taped on The Dr. Oz Show on Tuesday,

“I’m been off my meds for about a week now,”

He added,

“Am I risking my life? Sure. So what? I was born dead. That part of it doesn’t phase me at all.”

As a source stated,

“Charlie is back on his meds. He tried a cure from a doctor in Mexico but the minute the numbers went up, he started taking his medicine,” Burg said. “He said he would start on the plane on the way home and that is exactly what he did.”

The actor was stated to be seeking treatment from Dr. Chachoua, a physician Dr. Mehmet Oz. The physician was not licensed to practice his degree in the U.S. as Chachoua claims that he is working on the vaccine for HIV.

Chachoua injected his blood into himself as he stated to OZ by phone,

“I drew some blood from him and I injected myself with it and I said, ‘Charlie, if I don’t know what I’m doing, then we’re both in trouble now aren’t we?’ “

As he claims the the actor was the first person to be cured in history even without antiviral therapy.

As Sheen stated to Oz,
“I’m a little off my game because right before I walked out here, I got some results I was disappointed about,”

He added,

“I had been non-detectable, non-detectable and checking the blood every week and then found out the numbers are back up.”

Oz then shows a chart of the amount of HIV Sheen has, with the number high shortly in 2011 after his diagnosis, plummeting to undetectable levels after six months. According to Sheen, the numbers stayed undetectable.

Sheen does not recommend alternative treatment in Mexico as he said,

“I didn’t see it as Russian roulette. I didn’t see it as a complete dismissal of the conventional course we’ve been on. I’m not recommending that anyone – I’m presenting myself as a type of guinea pig.”

Until then, Dr. Robert Huizenga expressed his concern for the actor for his HIV medication.

“It would just break my heart if you did anything where you threw that opportunity … away and went back to where we were several decades ago,”

He added,

“It would just break my heart if we were to risk returning to that horrible part of our history.”





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