As Star Wars fan, we’ve been hooked with their first trailer for the released of the recent movie The Force Awakens. Having said out, check out the mentioned fan-made modern trailer version!

With this, the trailer was managed on a brilliant way in which it doesn’t show us the spoilers, and even does not involve the main plot of the movie.
In addition, watch the video trailer below by a creative Youtuber Tom F for you to appreciate more of its trailers.
The outstanding film was a modernized and updated version of the move Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, as we all know, the best of all Star Wars film.
The trailer can be considered better than the 1919 original trailer for the film, for it avoids any revealing plot points, and as we all know hat one massive twist in the trailer.
As for more, the film is clearly about The Force Awakens trailer which was a fan-made version. Before watching it, you might as well watch the original trailer as to tell the difference below,
Indeed, after watching these trailer we can hopefully expect an amazing sequel for the next!