Jenna Coleman left Doctor Who, then took a new chapter for her first role as Queen Victoria

Jenna Coleman

Jenna Coleman, a brilliant actress took the step on the next level in taking the role of an upcoming ITV series Victoria. From a genre such science fiction to drama, Jenna Coleman indeed is not considered limited in her own talents.

For more, a former RAF base has stated to be converted into studios to purposely film Victoria in the upcoming seven months. It is a series that consist of seven one-hour episodes along with having 90-minute episode each.

Jenna Coleman, 29-year-old, played the role at Time Lord’s with a companion, Clara Oswald which were stated to be filming in York. Eventually, the actress quit her role in the series after three years.

Jenna Coleman

For more information, Jenna Coleman stated the following on Radio 1 hosted by Nick Grimshaw which was in the accordance of her leaving:

“I have left the TARDIS, I have, it’s happened. I’ve filmed my last scenes. It was emotional. It’s been in the works for a very long time.”

Followed by the statements given by Peter Capaldi that occurred on Nick’s breakfast show:

“She’s fabulous in the scene. I don’t want to go into what. It’s very clever what happens in it, but it’s very sad. It’s really sad.”

“I don’t usually get weepy when I’m working but I found it really sad to say goodbye to her.”

Alongside with his compliments for Jenna Coleman,

“She’s great fun and wonderful to work with. I’ve had a great time with her.

The emotions felt in the decision made for the actress is indeed unbearable,

“I still see her, so it’s not like saying goodbye to Jenna in person, but you say goodbye to the character, and it becomes the focus of your emotion and perhaps all of the things you’d like to say to that person – like how wonderful she’s been to me.”

Jenna Coleman left a mark to be remembered, and that is her own character and talents behind the series. On the other side, everyone supports her in every decisions she makes for it is indeed making a new chapter in her life.



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