Jonathan Rollo and his husband Joey Gonzales welcome their first daughter named Francesca Isabella.


Fransesca was born on Dec 2, Wednesday in York, Pennsylvania weighing 7lbs., 11 oz.

As stated by CEO in Barry’s Bootcamp to PEOPLE exclusively,

“There are so many simple, unexpected joys we’ve discovered, like gazing into each other’s eyes for extended periods of time,”

He added,

Nobody ever told me how magical that would feel.”

A few days after their daughter’s birth, the proud announced their baby girl Fransesca arrival on their Facebook in excitement stating,

Thank you all for checking in constantly and sharing in the excitement. Just when you think you’ve experienced and done so much in life, this happens,”

He added,
Nothing can prepare you for this moment. It trumps all. Welcome to the world FRANCESCA ISABELLA GONZOLLO. We’ve been waiting our whole lives for you.”

Until then, a woman named Dayna was the carrier of their child, having an egg fertilized by both Fathers implanted in her uterus. In spite of a single embryo took, neither Gonzalo and Rollo were concerned on which is the biological father.


As explained by Rollo to PEOPLE,

Our position is that this baby is our child, not necessarily Joey’s or not necessarily mine, but ours,”

He added,

Unless for a medical need we have to determine the paternity, we’re going to avoid that.”

For more, Dayna added her statements of appreciation for both Fathers as to saying,

I love Jon and Joey. When I think about giving birth and placing her in their arms, that’s what it’s all about for me — their joy, their emotions. That’s what’s going to get me to the end.”


In addition, as the duo being together for 10 years, they claimed that Fransesca is just the first child of many children.

As Rollo stated,

We can’t read the future, but it’s definitely part of our plan to have multiple.”



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