After huge efforts, and consistent expectations, Jordan Smith finally got his hard works paid off in winning The Voice.

With this, all he needed was a nap. As he stated below after the season finale,

I’m going to go and I’m going to sleep for probably like three days once this is all over,”

He added,

Just not get out of bed.”


Indeed, no one can be against in his decision on needing a break after claiming beyond top prize on NBC’s singing competition. He is considered as one of the greatest candidate of all time since his cover of Queen’s ‘Somebody to Love.’

He was so demanded by majority that he beat Adele’s top charts in which he was moved to tears, as he followed “Mary, Did You Know?” as another song which as top first in the list.

The successful singer then explained how he walked his journey below,
The show is nothing compared to what’s next,”

He added,

I’m ready to start writing music and putting music out there and working hard to make this happen for myself and make a place for myself in the industry.”

Not to miss his dream stating,

I’d love to sing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl,”

He added,

I think that’d be amazing.”

For Jordan Smith, winning the show didn’t just led him to success and fame, but it helped him overcome his low self-esteem.
It means a ton, Slowly throughout the show, it just proved that those things don’t matter … It’s really special to hear at the end of a show like this, to be celebrated because of those differences.”

His coach, Levine, on the other hand was inspired by the words of the winner. As he stated,
His energy is very calming,”

I am the opposite. I’ve learned how to kind of chill and stay mellowed in times where usually I might not,” as he was referring to his struggle with ADHD.”

He then praises Smith with comparison saying,

I’ve learned that I’m not as good a singer as he is, which makes me want to be a better singer,”

He added,

Because let’s be honest, he’s way better than I am. But I think that we both learn from each other, too. It’s just been mutually kind of a nice symbiosis working with this guy.”

As the praised candidate excitedly responded that Shelton is a triumphant judge.

It’s really quite beautiful because Jordan gets to win The Voice and I get to tear Blake apart for the next six months, bragging about my win and his drought of victory,”

He jokingly explained,

It’s going to be great. I’m going to think of new and exciting ways to make him feel terrible. It’s going to be really fun, guys. So thank you.”



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