The film “The Revenant” was directed by Alejando González Iñárritu which is based on true story, and it is about survival tale of fur trapper Hugh Glass. The film is filled with brutality of shattered bones, various bloody entrails, hand-to-hand violence, a grizzly bear which is murderous and dangerous, along with the most astonishing B footage of the year.
From what it looks like, it is indeed a worth and promised Oscar will be received by the film such as Best Director, Best Cinematography, and all that we have been expecting and waiting for, Best Actor for Leonardo DiCarpio!
DiCaprio said:
“It was all a big, beautiful blur to me. This was such a unique process for all of us as actors. We had to rehearse meticulously and it was this mad, intense scramble to capture this magic light, this precious”
DiCarpio plays a role that include the character sleeping inside an animal carcrass, eating a raw bison. Although some crew members quit, and other characters were fired. There is surely something worth-seeing in the film especially with the roles of its talented stars.
According to Mashable’s Josh Dickey,
“It is a blunt and harrowing depiction of Glass, a Dakota Territories frontiersman who was left for dead after a grizzly bear attack who survives, only to seek out the men who gave up on his survival.”