Loss of FHM And Zoo Magazine Lead to Total Shut Down

fhm zoo kim kardashian

FHM and Zoo Magazine are considered as the latest in a line of casualties in the world of Lads Mags industry, having them to load its last edition last April 2015 and eventually closed down last March 2014.

In accordance to its sales, it had encountered a huge loss having Zoo Magazine had 12% difference compared with previous resulting to only 24,000 copies sold. FHM’s circulation, on the other hand, below 67,000 as for the first six months of the year which is approximately 20% less than 2014. In result, both of the magazine will be suspended.

boldfame fhm zoo

The following are the statements from their websites:

“Unfortunately it’s true and it has been announced today the intention to suspend publication of FHM. It’s been an absolute joy producing the magazine over the years. Thank you for all your support, we will keep you updated with developments over the coming weeks.” Stated by FHM Magazine.

“It is with regret we have to inform you of the intention to suspend publication of Zoo. We’ve loved every minute of the near 12 years and 600-plus issues we’ve shared with you and would like to thank each and every one of you who’ve been there with us along the way. We’ll keep you updated with any other news over the coming weeks and we hope you enjoy our last few issues.” Stated by ZOO Magazine.


I guess, majority in this generation prefer the internet. What do you think about the tweets stated by random citizens below?

“@KatieKhaleesi: Zoo magazine was still going? Boobs have been free on the Internet for quite some time, troops..”

“@garwboy: RIP FHM and Zoo magazine. Once popular, but now too old to retain the attention of their audience. There’s probably a moral there somewhere.”

Things change as they say. With this kind of a situation, men’s media habits can be seen moving towards social media, the media, or should I say, the internet.



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