Nina and Randa called Essena O’Neill A ‘Fake’

The American twin sisters, Nina and Randa called out on Essena O’Neill’s “I Quit Social – For Evah” video! They said that the social media model is just doing this for self-promotion and that there’s more to her story.

The twin sisters made their own video to tell their side of the story. The 15-minute video started with Essena’s clip claiming that she is in LA for her work and that many big companies are messaging her and reaching out to her. Essena also spoke about how she had already “reached the pinnacle of success.”

One of the twins said: “Essena wasn’t in LA to be working, she was here on vacation. She wasn’t meeting with acting agencies or modelling agencies, she wasn’t over here working — she couldn’t work here because she didn’t even have a visa.

 twins and essena oneil

The next clip shown by the twins was Essena speaking that she was surrounded by the wealth and power, but that they were all miserable. The twins then said that Essena’s relationship with the social media star was what made her hate LA.

“When she was dating this guy and when she was in LA, everything was amazing. She wanted to move here, she wanted a sports car, she wanted an apartment, she wanted us to move in with her. She was happy and on this high and loving LA, and then shortly within a couple of weeks when, you know, things ended between them, she just hated LA along with everyone with it. All terrible people and depressed and sad,” one of the twins revealed.

After she had released her farewell video on Youtube, Essena had also deactivated her Tumblr, Snapchat and Youtube accounts. She even changed the name of her Instagram account to ‘Social Media is Not Real.’ She continuously uploads videos on Vimeo and her website ‘Let’s be Game Changers’, where she accepts donations from her fans.

“I don’t know where I’m going, I don’t know what’s going to happen next, I have no idea how I’m going to make money. I can’t afford rent right now… It’s like I’m just embarrassed to admit that I need help … if you like my videos or like any of my posts or you like this website, if this is of value to you, then yeah, please support me because I can’t afford my own real life,” Essena wrote on her new website.



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