It all happened in Siberia, wherein a teacher in a nursery school in Belgrade had shooting for porn as her second job. In which leads the case for variety of parents to demand action.

nursery teacher

It was reported that one of the kids at the nursery school found out about the teacher’s hidden agenda ‘accidentally.’

As parents told the head of the school, he then stated,

The teacher has been working at the nursery for three years and we have never had any complaints. When we received letters from the parents, we immediately contacted the inspectors and the police, but they told us that we needed to have statements from the parents and the programmer of the pornographic site. But they do not want to be involved. I have looked at the images the entire weekend, comparing them, but I cannot sanction someone without tangible evidence.”

It was indeed unsure that a porn profile was found similarly as of the teacher which under her name was written,

I’m always ready for action, I can be your wild cat or gentle and cuddly girl. In any case, satisfaction is guaranteed.”

nursery teacher

Until then, the nursery school teacher denied the claims saying,

I have been called in by the head of the nursery school and I will go. I’ll bring along the paperwork from the company “Fonlider” where it says that I work in telemarketing, and not as an erotic model. I’m totally messed up. I’ve been taking pills and doing everything in the hope my family and children in the school don’t know what is happening.”

With this, the accused teacher will have to face serious sanctions once proven.

With this, the accused teacher will have to face serious sanctions once proven.



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