Steven Meisel Gets Back For Prada’s Resort 2016 Ad Campaign

prada resort 2016

Prada’s Fall ad campaign last year made the viewers disappointing, as the models were just wandered on the studio. Since 2004, Steven Meisel is the one who shoots the company’s advertising campaigns for each season. But then, during Fall 2015, the famous fashion photographer was missing in action. Thankfully, Prada’s Resort 2016 made up for it. Meisel took sizzling shots of models Meghan Collison, Lexi Boling, Lineisy Montero, Ina Maribo Jensen, Greta Varlese and Julia Nobis being the garage doors as their background with excellent studio lighting.

 prada resort 2016

The members of the TFS forum could not help but express how they impressed they are for this wildfire-like campaign. “Shot by Meisel. A-MA-ZING, love how moody this feels compared to the Fall campaign, can’t wait to see more,” Riseup said, as he is really excited to see more of the shots for the season.

Impressed by what he saw, quangthinh wrote, “What a hot mess! I love it, they all look stunning.”

“I like it! It feels fresh and they managed to get the same vibe as the show. And Lineisy!” according to GivenchyHomme.

But then, there are also some negative comments. “The girls look beautiful, but I almost never like Meisel’s campaigns. I think that commercial pressures eliminate the creativity seen in his stunning editorial work,” ottawa posted.

“Oh god, Julia and Meghan on top of Lineisy? Horror cast. Combined with the atrocious collection and the awfully cheap lighting makes this a gross campaign. Lexi can’t save it,” anlabe32 commented.

A certain EMLLover2013 was not happy with the model’s style either: “The models look dead. It really looks so over styled.”



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